Justice of Ma’at, George Bush Sr. Hospitalized

The moment I tried to post this article my internet went down and WordPress wouldn’t let me publish it:


Justice of Ma’at could be served again soon as news got out that one of the unholy 4 George Bush Sr. has been hospitalized. Of course it is played down as it always is with the higher-level politicians and others when they get hurt.

(Zero Hedge) “For the second time in four months, former President George H.W. Bush, 92, was readmitted to the hospital in Houston where he was treated earlier this year for pneumonia but “is going to be fine,” his spokesman said on Tuesday.

His office issued the following statement:

“President George H. W. Bush was admitted to Houston Methodist Hospital on Friday for observation due to a persistent cough that prevented him from getting proper rest. It was subsequently determined he had a mild case of pneumonia, which was treated and has been resolved.  President Bush is in very good spirits and is being held for further observation while he regains his strength.”

Here is a quote from Cobra’s blog in regards to these top Cabal people being taken out:

(2012 Portal) “Justice of Maat! After „tasting the medicine“, David Rockefeller, the head of the Rockefeller faction of the Cabal, had a heart failure and left the planet.

George Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney are expected to follow him relatively soon, in that particular order.

To summarize the situation in a meme:


Let’s see what happens!

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39 Responses to Justice of Ma’at, George Bush Sr. Hospitalized

  1. Pingback: 【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月22日訊息 【近況更新】 | TARA

  2. Pingback: 【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】2017年4月22日訊息 【近況更新】 – 國際黃金時代團隊

  3. Pingback: Les armes à énergie dirigée – Ûhxnûé

  4. Pingback: Snowden: Secret Weather Control Program Exposed 2017 – Spaces of Energy ~gary beer

  5. JOY says:

    BUSH SENIOR AND DAVID ROCKEFELLER ARE NOT EVEN THE ORIGINALS. THEY’RE CLONES.and since they’re clones, created as puppets, they’re not responsible for what they did.
    the ones behind, the puppeteers are. and GOOD HEAVENS……….THEY’RE OLD /ancients. what justice is that..?

  6. Pingback: COBRA: Actualizarea situației planetare (22.04.2017) – Războiul electronic | Templul Unimii @ lauradinu.ro

  7. Pingback: Actualizarea Situaţiei Planetare (Războiul Electronic) | DanielGaucan's Blog

  8. Pingback: COBRA | Samedi 22 avril 2017 : Mise à jour sur la situation | Stop Mensonges

  9. Pingback: КОБРА: ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ СИТУАЦИИ_22.04.2017 | Rainboway

  10. Pingback: COBRA – Atualização da Situação – 22.04.2017 | Senhora de Sírius

  11. Pingback: COBRA: Bericht über die Situation vom 22.04.2017 | Hannes für Frieden

  12. Pingback: 코브라 상황 업데이트(2017/4/22) – 코즈믹 리얼리티

  13. Pingback: COBRA: Situation Update April 22, 2017 – Golden Age Of Truth

  14. Pingback: Cobra Sit-Rep for April 23 Regarding the Power Outage & Other Planetary Situations | Starship Earth: The Big Picture

  15. Pingback: Wojna elektroniczna | Nowy Człowiek - Nowa Ziemia Gaja

  16. Return to source and try again 😉

  17. Pingback: Situation Update by Cobra | The Portal | Forever Unlimited

  18. Pingback: The Cabal Could Not Trigger Another Major War, So… – ronaldwederfoort

  19. Pingback: The Portal – CLASSIERA

  20. Pingback: Update from Cobra | Ufodeal.se

  21. Pingback: Bericht über die Situation vom 22.April 2017 | haluise

  22. Pingback: 2012portal/2017/04/situation-update – Spaces of Energy ~gary beer

  23. Pingback: Bericht über die Situation vom 22. April 2017 – Kosmisch-Irdische Partnerschaften

  24. Pingback: Oproep om het Licht aan te roepen en te verankeren; ik vraag daarom jullie aandacht voor de meditatie die elke zondagmiddag wordt gehouden – in NL nu in zomertijd om 18.00 uur. | Aquarius

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  26. Pingback: Cobra 4-22-17… “Situation Update” | Atlantis Disclosure

  27. when bush senior die his son should follow him c:

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  29. Pingback: Bericht van Cobra, 22 april 2017, Situatie Update | Info-blog The Event-NL

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  32. rthunderws says:

    May his lungs fill with puss !!

  33. Pingback: Actualización de la Situación | Adoninas

  34. Pingback: Cobra 4-22-17… “Situation Update” | Kauilapele's Blog

  35. Pingback: Situation Update from Cobra | truthearth

  36. Pingback: Bericht über die Situation vom 22.April 2017 – Es beginnt

  37. Pingback: JUSTICE OF MA’AT, GEORGE BUSH SR. HOSPITALIZED – ronaldwederfoort

  38. farouk saleh says:

    good meme 🙂

    victory of the light /10

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