New Voice-Guided Video That Summarizes All Of Cobra’s Intel/Progress/The Event (Cobra Approved)

Cobra has given the green light on the video project I had been asked to work on by Danell from the Prepare For Change team. She came up with an informational board that displayed a timeline of events that was referenced from Cobra’s blog. After several re-edits and many hours of work the video is now complete.

It is separated into three parts and I narrate the entire video. All of the audio, including my voice, has been converted to 432hz frequency. I am grateful to have been brought on to this and I am excited to share it all with you. I’d love to hear what you all think. Sending love and light to each of you!


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12 Responses to New Voice-Guided Video That Summarizes All Of Cobra’s Intel/Progress/The Event (Cobra Approved)

  1. Mesheekatlan says:

    Reblogged this on Meshekatlan Followed your blog and commented:

  2. Dave says:

    If I could offer some constructive criticism, as a narrator you need to slow your speech down. You talk a bit too fast to get the message across clearly. Keep the great work.

  3. Sydne says:

    Just found this.
    Thank you! Thank you!
    Been waiting for years for someone to make this video. ^_^
    Very concise and to the point narrative. Pleasant understandable voice.
    Beautiful uplifting music.
    Thoughtfully appropriate visuals.
    Kudos! Thank you all for making this video…
    Will disseminate.
    Looking forward to the glory to come.
    Much love to everyone.
    The Light has already won!
    ❤ Happy Event!

  4. Nelly says:

    Great job, excellent!!! Thank you!

  5. truthearth says:

    This blog contains much information that would please even the most hard headed skeptic 😉

  6. Momma D says:

    I’m not a troll. I’m a truth seeker and full supporter of galactic disclosure, but I don’t know about the claims of this video. It sound too good to be true. Really too good to be true. If it’s all going so well, why are so many children still going missing, and so many investigators dropping dead? A little more solid evidence would be appreciated!

  7. demetrius13 says:

    Reblogged this on demetrius13 and commented:

  8. Sonja says:

    Hi Jonathan, thank you so much for making this video. It is a wonderful video and a concise review of information about The Event. You rock! Here is to The Return of All Light to Planet Earth. Also, of course, thank you to Danell and Cobra! Victory is near.

  9. Amanda says:

    Good job, well done!

  10. Stargate says:

    Great, thank you ❤

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