New Video About Goddess Energy with Enya’s Music in 432Hz

First allow me to share the difficulties and interference I experienced while creating this particular video. The video kept crashing (this happens sometimes with larger HD material) but certain clips wouldn’t show up or stop working and I would have to delete them and re-add them several times.

This happened so many times and became so frustrating. Luckily, I rendered a video without text first and just used that over the Swiss cheese timeline I now had. My computer had a big brain fart and it told me that rendering this video would take 12 hours even though the previous one took only 50 minutes. Something was up here.

Anywho, it’s not exactly what I wanted but it’s very close to what I wanted and it’s as good as it’s going to get! I retrieved some information about the Goddess Energy and how they pertain to the Event and included them in the video. I hope you all enjoy it if you decide to check it out! Light and love.

P.S. I was just having trouble uploading this video to YouTube. I uploaded it to my TruthEarth account but it was telling me that the video was private through my other account. After some loading and reloading the video seems to work now. OY!

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6 Responses to New Video About Goddess Energy with Enya’s Music in 432Hz

  1. Pingback: New Video About Goddess Energy with Enya’s Music in 432Hz | dreamweaver333

  2. Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

  3. Guest says:

    I liked Enya way back then but the best most Aethereal music ever made comes from the Cocteau Twins. all of their music is good but only about 3 albums (remember albums?) are like this: Victorialand, The Moon and Melodies, and Treasure.

  4. Pingback: New Video About Goddess Energy with Enya’s Music in 432Hz | unity2013

  5. lmamer says:

    Love and blessings! Thank you…

  6. Eliza Ayres says:

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Beautiful. Memories.

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