URGENT! Meditation for Hurricane Florence Daily at 4 PM UTC

For those who feel guided there is a nasty hurricane that is about to touch land soon and it is being requested that people participate to help divert/dissolve it. The meditation will be daily at 4PM UTC. For the automatic time zone conversion for your area please visit the link below:


And here are the guided meditation videos in several languages. Note: The original video was made for hurricane Irma, so during the meditation simply replace ‘Irma’ with ‘Florence’.

For more information about the hurricane and this meditation please visit the following link:


Much love all!

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1 Response to URGENT! Meditation for Hurricane Florence Daily at 4 PM UTC

  1. Felicien Lallane says:

    Have you tried MT (transcendental meditation)?
    It seems that this solves a lot of problems :
    “One TM study by a MUM physics professor, Dr. Robert Rabinoff, claimed that the Maharishi effect was responsible for reducing crime and increasing the incidence of cranberry production in the vicinity of Maharishi University in Fairfield, Iowa.”

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