New Video: Pure Imagination 432Hz

Just finished uploading a new video which some might find of interest. I’ve been sitting at this Starbucks since this morning putting it together and finally just finished uploading it.

I’ve been seeing 5s repeating quite a bit and this usually pertains to personal changes but I included a scene which will reflect this number which you will see if you decide to watch the video. Changes are indeed happening to all of us at this time in one way (or several!) or another. There is so much suffering and negativity around everywhere, perhaps this video will be just a touch of positivity which is needed at this time.

I recently had a dream the other night where I was in some location where there seemed to be storage areas in addition to living areas there and I was told I couldn’t move in there yet because it wasn’t ready. I’ve been a bit stressed about how long I will be living in my vehicle and it seems that this dream it communicating that something is being readied although I have no idea of any of the details.

This is everything I will share for now, thank you for reading and checking out the video if you decide to. Much love all!

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3 Responses to New Video: Pure Imagination 432Hz

  1. truthearth says:

    If that link doesn’t work then you can see it here:

  2. truthearth says:

    Darn, that happens sometimes, but luckily there is BitChute! The video is still being processed as of the time of this comment but hopefully it will be finished soon. Hope you like it, lots of love to you!

  3. It says video unavailable.. I’m in Australia which sometimes doesn’t play some videos but I can usually always watch yours.. not sure if it’s been taken down or something? Much love to you.. 😊💛😊

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