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A One Time Request


Howdy everyone, hope you are doing well! After taking a long break from owning a vehicle I am being guided to seek out purchasing another one. My knowledge of cars tells me a cheapo 90s Toyota (those things are bulletproof!) would be the most reliable for the least amount of money. I will be using most of my own funds but I don’t make as much as I would need to afford it so I am humbly reaching out to all of you for any funds you would be okay with giving away.

I greatly debated posting this as I am not the kind of person to reach out for money. I have been very independent for a long time now but now that I make less money working days (gave up 18% of income to switch) I find myself coming up a bit short here and there. Although it’s well worth the health aspect among many other reasons.

With a car I will be able to help more homeless folks (I have a bunch of supplies I want to hand out). I will be able to have longer MeetUp meetings as I won’t need to take the bus for hours at a time to get to and fro! I will be able to hit more ‘cell phone’ towers with Orgonite which I did in a great amount when I had the Daewoo:

I am feeling guided to buy a vehicle regardless of external donations but with your help it will be able to manifest quicker.

This isn’t a request meant for those who are low on money or are struggling as I have been there and done that and had couch-surfed for a while with a friend so please do not worry about this as it is not a dire need. But for those who are more financially stable and are feeling guided to do so I will leave my PayPal link below and welcome any generosity that you may offer to me. What you put out in to the Universe comes back to you in greater amounts so helping me or anyone in fact would benefit yourself also. As the title states I will only be doing this one time. Thank you for your time and much love as always! <333

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