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A Recap of What the Primary Anomaly Is (Updated)


When I read Cobra’s update about all of the remaining Anomaly being removed within a month’s time I thought it important to go back and find out exactly what that means. Cobra’s blog is very information dense and the amount of intel included is voluminous so it’s easy to forget what has happened and what certain things are. Some of it is over my head as I am not the scientist-type, in this life anyway!

Here are all of the posts that had information about the Primary Anomaly that I found by searching for those two words on his blog:

(2012portal) “False vacuum we are currently experiencing is a metastable sector of the universe where the interaction between the Source and the primary anomaly creates conditions that are pro-entropy and anti-life and are the underlying reason why quarantine Earth status and the existence of evil is even possible.

The Event is the moment of instating true quantum vacuum conditions inside the Veil and thus the removal of the part of the primary anomaly that is directly responsible for the existence of evil. The underlying force that was allowing the existence of the Cabal and suffering will cease to exist.”

(2012portal) “Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, or in other words Earth primary anomaly accretion vortex, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and still prevents the Event, Disclosure and First Contact.

The network of implants in the plasma energy bodies of the surface humanity is the deepest hole of the collective subconsciousness and the basis of the planetary plasma anomaly accretion vortex.

Primary anomaly is the root cause of all suffering, and all negative actions of all sentient beings are a chain reaction of generational trauma, originating in the original fall from grace, the original encounter with the primary anomaly millennia ago, and the original experience of the implantation process in that distant past.”

(2012portal) “The Archons are still using their etheric and astral HAARP scalar electromagnetic field technology to keep maintaining the so-called primary anomaly. Primary anomaly is a random wave function, a distortion of Calabi-Yau manifolds, a field of micro black holes, a convoluted field of quantum fluctuations, a semi-conscious field of anti-life which always tries to suppress Light by default.

This was brought into existence out of pure potentiality at the creation of the Universe and is the antithesis of the One. It is the primary error in Creation and the primary cause of all suffering. All the remaining primary anomaly of the Universe is now being gathered around the surface profile of this planet, waiting to be finally transformed to allow the final liberation of our planet, which will then become the last point of Light to join the galactic union.

After the Light forces remove the non-physical electromagnetic HAARP field, the black hole singularities will be stripped naked, the micro black holes will evaporate, the Calabi-Yau manifolds will straighten themselves out and the primary anomaly will disappear forever from our Universe. This will be beginning of the end of all suffering and beginning of true healing for humanity.”

(2012portal) “Plasma primary anomaly encompasses all possible combinations of negativity as the logical opposite of the Absolute, and only a small percentage of these combinations gets manifested onto the physical plane, as the Light forces mostly cancel them out before they can materialize from the quantum foam. The Light forces use advanced technology of Light pillars (ATVOR) to resolve the non-linear primary plasma anomaly using the mathematical principles of iteration…

Even using those advanced methods, a small unresolvable portion of the primary anomaly remains and then collapses into the accretion vortex around the toplet bomb. The Light forces then apply the ATVOR technology again until the critical mass of the primary anomaly gets resolved, and then they will annihilate the remaining toplet bombs once and for all. That will be the moment of Compression Breakthrough, the Event.”

(2012portal) “Everybody now incarnated on planet Earth still has those implants, as we have received them upon or before entry in the quarantine Earth area. They are plasma micro black holes, rotating in a strong plasmatic electromagnetic field. Their purpose is to distort spacetime to keep maintaining the primary anomaly and thus planet Earth quarantine status…

As the Light forces progressed with the liberation of the Galaxy through the millennia, the dark forces retreated towards planet Earth, their last stronghold. By manipulating quantum anomaly and activating many negative stargates with nukes and particle accelerators after WW2 and especially after 1996 they have actually managed to turn our planet into a quantum stargate / well which attracts all remaining primary anomaly from the rest of the universe…

Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and prevents Disclosure and First Contact.”

For some more interesting reading I suggest this article by Untwine. It explains all of this a little bit further and with a little less scientific verbiage.

So my interpretation of this is that when the Primary Anomaly is finally transmuted and the Toplet Bombs removed (not sure if that happens as the Primary Anomaly goes away or is a secondary task after the Anomaly is removed/transmuted) then there will be no more evil force in the Universe anywhere and we will be free to begin real healing and (re)integration into the Galactic Confederation.

(Updated Portion) 

(2012portal) “Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Removal of the remaining plasma toplet bombs has proven to be more difficult than expected, as they are protected with quantum potential chambers throughout the Solar System. Quantum potential chambers are directed scalar torsion fields that create an accretion vortex for as much primary plasma anomaly as possible to be gathered around the remaining toplet bombs. These chambers are more advanced version of quantum potential weapons that are already known for decades…

Plasma primary anomaly encompasses all possible combinations of negativity as the logical opposite of the Absolute, and only a small percentage of these combinations gets manifested onto the physical plane, as the Light forces mostly cancel them out before they can materialize from the quantum foam. The Light forces use advanced technology of Light pillars (ATVOR) to resolve the non-linear primary plasma anomaly using the mathematical principles of iteration…

Even using those advanced methods, a small unresolvable portion of the primary anomaly remains and then collapses into the accretion vortex around the toplet bomb. The Light forces then apply the ATVOR technology again until the critical mass of the primary anomaly gets resolved, and then they will annihilate the remaining toplet bombs once and for all.

That will be the moment of Compression Breakthrough, the Event.”

My interpretation of this is that the remaining Primary Anomaly is being gathered around the toplet bombs (which the Light Forces are trying to remove and have done so successfully so far) but they are being protected by the Quantum Chambers funneling Primary Anomaly around the bombs so they can’t be accessed. So with the PA gone, those remaining bombs (final roadblocks to The Event) would be free to be removed forever. How quickly that would happen is anyone’s guess..

So I really like the sound of all of this and hope that my interpretation of this intel is correct. If not then I hope future meditations will be able to continue to remove these until the final liberation.

I hope this post has helped others understand the importance of what is about to happen on our planet. The StarSeeds are truly the key to the shift of the ages, with some, or a lot, of help of course…:) Light and love everyone!



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