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The Divide Between 3D and 4/5D is Becoming More Unavoidable


I am noticing that I am becoming more incapable of tolerating or being around things of the old world. I am receiving innumerable synchronicities telling me to quit my job and begin a spiritually-based career. Don’t the higher beings understand we are still slaves here? How can I make money doing something spiritual-related? It is happening over and over. That will be for another post though.

Part of being a participant in this Ascension process is not only creating a new and better world, but also personally transforming into a being that will be compatible with the world that is emerging. Old patterns and beliefs are falling away, sometimes easily, many times uneasily and down right ugly. So it is in my case.

I am finding it incredibly difficult to submerge myself in the daily tasks of 3rd Density. I do not want to insult anyone as I continue the next portion of this post but I am just documenting my feelings and experiences so far. I’m not sure if they will survive the solar flash/The Event but I still feel like getting them out might help others with their growth and expansion process.

The following things are becoming more and more intolerable and unimportant for me lately:

There are many other things but these are the ones that have been highlighted and have had the most significant effect on me. I am thinking part of it comes down to personal responsibility and also the lifetimes of brainwashing and mind-control. Again I am not intending to insult anyone, even though telling someone the truth is not supposed to be insulting, but I am just pointing out my observations of others, which is something I’ve done since I was a kid.

There is no doubt this world is messed up, but it is getting better. People are nicer and I was able to talk about the Illuminati and the Dr. Phil PizzaGate episode for several hours with my co-workers yesterday which was very nice. They actually wanted to know more! I have certain ways of making this information more interesting to them. The ones that ignore me have to listen so the information is penetrating their consciousness.

I just wanted to get this out for documentation’s sake. Perhaps one day someone from the future will read this and that it might be used as a historical reference of this amazing time we are in right now. Do you have some interesting thoughts or feelings about your own process? I highly recommend starting your own blog, even if no one reads it, although I would! =] It’s free and there are several websites where you can get one.

Anyways this is all I wanted to share for now. Thank you all for reading and may the energies of the new reality be kind to you, although they probably won’t be…Lol. Much love!

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