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Another MILAB Memory Surfacing in a Dream?


I am being guided to share a possible MILAB memory that has come forward in the form of a dream this morning. It involved a written test which was administered in company of other young people. We were scored in a strange way with only 8 questions on the test with various number values assigned to each of us depending on how we did.

To read my other possible MILAB testing dream please visit this link.

(January 8th, 2017) MILAB Testing Dream

“Dream where I was part of a group of people being tested for something bigger that wasn’t apparent before beginning. There were several young people there with mixed genders. The test was made up of 8 questions which were hand-written in blue ink. I started the test late so I missed one.

I ended up scoring a 49 which was displayed on a screen along with everyone else’s. There were others who got a much higher score (triple digit and higher), and some who scored much lower. [I am not sure how the scoring was done given there was only 8 questions.]

I made it to a second even more difficult and confusing test near-by. Only a few were permitted to continue. I was surprised that my score allowed me to continue. The questions were seemingly hypothetical and very in-depth with many variables.

The first question was something like “This is/That is/There is __________ _______ _________ ___________ osseasement advanced.”

After I read the question in my head a woman with a stern voice said “How are they still alive?

The first page consisted of a collection of photos of flags, logos, rectangular shapes with different symbols on them. I saw different country’s flags, a pesticide logo – the entire page was full of these, it was very information dense.

I had to determine which of these factors played into the survival of these scientists upon exposure to something lethal. We weren’t given anymore information other than the question and the page of symbols and flags.

I also recall a young man not making it through, he was upset because he wanted to accomplish whatever we were being asked to participate in. I attempted to console him and said that he shouldn’t base his self-worth on a test. Rudely, the woman standing above us said ‘Incorrect’, as if this test did decided our worth.

This woman also mentioned a big paycheck if we had passed these tests. We didn’t know what we were being tested for. Well I didn’t at least. After trying to figure this out I woke up.”

Another couple of interesting notes, for some reason I felt like I had had this dream before. Like I remember the things the woman said. Also the terminology of the second round of questions were extremely scientifically-oriented and it became apparent that I was to use intuition/psychic abilities to answer them as I wasn’t versed in the science they were presenting. The scientific terminology was strange and not typical of ordinary language we use today. It was much more advanced.

This is all I have from the dream that I can remember. Thanks for checking this out and much love!

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